Sunday 26 October 2014

Have some Apple Pie, then Panic.

Apple Pies. They are the shit.
I never used to like them at fact fruit is an obstacle for me full stop. So an apple pie was just a horrendous pudding in my mind, until my Dad made me try it with gritted teeth. And Boy George was i surprised. I loved it.
I'm not going to lie to you though, i thought making an apple pie would be really hard so I kind of talked myself out of it, i felt like i had set myself up for an epic pie fail. Dick move. 
So i made myself anxious over something that usually helps calm me down...what a twisted world we live in. BUT it was actually quite easy, and super fun! I got somewhat of a bakers high, if there is such a thing! My Dad was more then thrilled as well and has requested more pie baking for the future. This guy! 
This was one of the things from my Halloween check list that i can tick off! TICK! 

I found a good and easy to follow recipe online  -

Apple Pie! 

For the filling

  • 1kg Bramley apples
  • 140g golden caster sugar
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • 3 tbsp flour
For the pastry
  • 225g butter, room temperature
  • 50g golden caster sugar, plus extra
  • 2 eggs
  • 350g plain flour

Check out the size of my sugar...thanks Costco! 
Weigh out the sugar

 Add the butter and blend until it has just mixed together.

Add 1 egg and 1 egg yolk, set aside the egg white to use later! Mix together for 1 min, it will look like scrambled eggs. Gross.

Add the flour into the wet mixture a 3rd at a time with a wooden spoon, finish up with gathering the flour mixture with your hands and making it into a ball!

Like this dough ball right here! 

Wrap the dough in cling film and put it into the fridge for about 45 mins.

Check out these apples. Big right. Impressive. These are Bramley apples. Peel and chop these bad boys up! 

Place the apple slices on to kitchen roll and pat them dry. (I didn't do this too well and had quite a bit of liquid in the pie when it was baked...rookie mistake) So make sure they are quite dry!

Mix the sugar and cinnamon together...Take the pastry dough out of the fridge and roll it out on to a floured surface. Try and not add too much too the dough as it can make it too dry. 

Once to dough has been rolled to the right size for your pie tin, line the pie tin with the dough. I messed up with this i used quite a large tin and ran out of dough for the maybe follow the website i linked above for this part. I am useless! Mix the apples in cinnamon/sugar mix, until completely covered and chuck them into the pie tin!

Cover the pie with the rest of the pastry dough...if you have enough like i did decorate as much as you like! My Dad suggested i took off a few of the Bats as the top would be too thick...he was right. Buh. Use the egg white from earlier to wash over the pie top. Put the pie into a preheated over (190) and bake for about 40-45 mins. 

Clean the kitchen whilst the pie bakes. I am so messy!

Make pie dough bats...

And....ITS DONE! Yay! Made my first pie from scratch! Wonderful fun! 

The cute and tasty :D 

I struggled a tad with the pastry, as you can see...but in the end it was fine...just made it look even more homemade ;D 

Enjoy with tonnes of custard...from a can...Brilliant.

All pie'd out for the week. My Dad was very happy, which made me happy. Happiness all round. Until Tuesday...Tuesday evening i had a pretty intense panic attack from out of the blue.
After dinner, sitting with my dad eating pie...when i felt a pain in my chest. A little something about me, i have had pleurisy twice now...once when i was super young and then another time as a teenager. Its awful and i never want it again. So every once in a while i will get a pain in my chest and immediately think its that...which it isn't...but try telling that to someone with crazy anxiety. I felt a pain and it was gaaaaame over. I got the chills all over my body, especially the back of my neck and arms. My chest got super tight, i felt sick and my stomach dropped. Brilliant. I felt this insane amount of dread and panic. I had to stand up and move around, i couldn't sit or talk, i just had to keep moving. I went upstairs to take my inhaler and grab my Valium...came back downstairs in a rush and started to shout at my dad that i was having a panic attack and i need help...he just sat there and calmly said 'Sit down and tell me what to do' I told him i couldn't breath and felt like i was going to pass my head i sounded pretty calm and collected whilst talking to him...but in real life i was a panic ridden fiend. My dad told me if i am talking, then i can breath...logical. Made sense i i sat down and took deep breaths and tried to focus at one thing at a time. I took my sweet Valium and wrapped myself in a blanket until i felt like it was safe to be by myself and go to my room...too watch Muppet's Treasure Island. Brilliant choice of film. Spoke to my Mum, Faye & Jesse for a little bit and then felt calm enough to fall asleep.
I felt like the wind had been knocked out of my sails for a little while afterwards. I was doing so well with my anxiety and panic attacks! BUT before i had taken the Valium, i had calmed myself down which i haven't done before. I knew what was happening and i knew that i wasn't going to pass out or die because of it. My Dad, Mum, Faye & Jesse really helped just because of how calm they were towards me as well. So it is getting better...positive thinking! I have felt fine after this too. Just have to keep focusing on the good things!

Positives of my week!
* Went out with Kirstie for a little celebration Dinner
* Felt happier for the past few days.

Love Kara

Thursday 16 October 2014

Top 10 Halloween Movies

If you hadn't guessed by now, I bloody LOVE Halloween! 

We have already started to decorate the house. I can't even tell you how excited i am! 
One of my fave things about Halloween are the movies. 
So many good ones. Too many good ones! Halloween should be a week long holiday, am i right! 

Horror films are my favorite genre of film, i can watch them all day, errry day! 
I force them upon people who really don't enjoy them. Jesse refuses to watch them with me, although i did get him to watch the 'Saw' films with me and he really enjoyed them. I tricked him once into watching 'Case 39' with me and 2 of our pals that flew over to Texas to see us. I didn't really explain what the film was about...long story short...he wasn't happy. 
My sister will have none of it either...I have often tried to get her to watch them with me. She has always said no, but i am determined...i will break her soon and we will enjoy a good old Scream marathon! 

These sort of films don't bother me in the slightest, if anything they keep my mind occupied so my anxiety is often at bay when i am watching them. 

So this leads me to sharing with you my Top 10 Halloween Films! Took me ages to think of which ones to put in this i said before...too many to choose from!?

My Top 10 Halloween Movies 

Hocus Pocus (Of course!) 

How on earth could Hocus Pocus be any lower then number 1! Best movie ever. 
Winifred, Sarah & Mary Sanderson are a couple of witches brought back to life by a virgin lighting a magic candle on Halloween night...(When i was younger i thought a virgin was the airline. So i thought Max, the lead fella was an employee of Virgin Airlines. True Story.) The Sanderson sisters try to steal children's souls so they can live forever...its brilliant. Watch it now. Right now. Go. 

Nightmare on Elm Street

Whatever you do, don't fall asleep! This film. Freddy Krueger comes to the children of the mob that killed him in their dreams...and kills them...boom. Lots of wonderful gore. Jesse bought me all of the movies from his pal, i just love them. 

The Conjuring 

I love this film, its so good! Lorraine & Ed Warren are paranormal investigators that help a family living in a horror house filled with spooky ghoooosts. This film also has the doll Annabelle in it, which has its own movie now! Very creepy stuff. Very jumpy and the music gets me every time.

Nightmare Before Christmas 

One of my all time favorite films ever. Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King of Halloweentown finds a Christmas tree door which opens up into Christmas Town. Jack becomes obsessed with Christmas and takes it over with a Halloween twist. Aaaah, i love it!

Scream 1-4 

What's your favorite scary movie? 
Sidney and her pals in Woodsboro are terrorized by a killer dubbed Ghost Face. Ghost Face will call you up, make casual small talk about gutting you like a fish...then shows up and does just that...unless you are Sidney. That wily minx always gets away! All 4 movies are pretty good, i know i enjoyed them all. And i loved that the whole cast were in the 4th movie. All killers are surprising, so jump aboard the Scream train this Halloween! 


When i started babysitting, i was generally concerned Michael Myers would get me. He loves a babysitter or 2, am i right! 
Michael Myers starts his rampage after escaping the institution he was put into after killing his sister when he was 6 year old on Halloween. Micheal starts to stalk a young babysitter and her friends on Halloween whilst being chased down by his doctor. Creepy, jumpy and that music will get ya every time!   

The Shining 

Heeeereeee's Johnny! 
Stephen King doing what he does best! Scaring us. 
Jack, his wife and his physic son, Danny go to The Overlook Hotel as the winter caretakers whilst the hotel is shut for the off season. For the first few days, everything is normal for the writer and his family, but soon the evil spirits of the hotel start to influence Jack into violence! Sweet little Danny tries to use his power to save his family. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

The Orphanage

Such a fan of this film! A proper ghost story. The Orphanage is a Spanish film, so subtitled. So you will need to concentrate...unless you understand Spanish, then good for you and teach me. 
Laura and her husband raise their son in the house where Laura grew up in as an orphan. Laura wants to start her own orphanage for handicapped children, but her son disappears after making an invisible friend and spooky goings on start in the house. Boom. 

Paranormal Activity 

A couple move into their new home, they start to notice a demonic presence during the night. They start to film their bedroom whilst they sleep...then shit gets real. 
My pal, Chrissy and i had a small Paranormal Activity marathon a few years back...The 1st one made us jump, but the rest of the films are very same-y, we got bored and then got the giggles. We looked like a couple of nutcases laughing at a film that is ment to be scary. So if i were you, stick to the 1st film...and then move on. 

Insidous 1-2  

This film got me preeeetty good! 
A family just moved into their new home (Isn't this how a lot of horror films begin!?) and whilst exploring the house, Dalton, one of the sons falls in the attic and falls into a coma. Then begins the demonic and spooky activity around Dalton and the house. The family must wake up their son before he is stuck in another realm...jumpy movie! The 2nd movie is just as spooky, and explains alot more about what happens in the 1st movie...i just saw they are bringing out a 3rd movie too...excellent. 

A few more wonderful movies for you to feast your eyes on!
* Beetlejuice
* Frankenweenie 
* What Lies Beneath 
* Sinister 
* Child's Play 
* Texas Chainsaw Massacre
* American Horror Story (TV Show i know, but it's brilliant!) 
* Night of The Living Dead 
* The Purge & The Purge Anarchy 
* 28 Days later & 28 Weeks later 
* Frankenstein & The Bride of Frankenstein 

So there we have it, a few of my fave Halloween movies to watch with your pals or by yourself! What films do you like to watch on this most Spooky time of year!

One of my sweet work pals suffers quite a bit from anxiety, so i asked her what she does to keep calm when she is feeling her worst. One things she does is a technique called 'Grounded'. She places her feet firmly on the floor whilst sitting on a chair and lets the thoughts travel through her body whilst taking deep breaths. She said it helps her feel grounded (Hence the name) and stable. Another thing she will do is leave the room and have a good cry...i think alot of us are guilty of that too!
Her Halloween film of choice is Psycho!

I am going to be doing a tonne of Halloween baking soon!? Just focusing on getting rid of this annoying cold i have! buh!

Positives of this week -
* Had a wonderful night in with 2 wonderful pals, then had pancakes for breakfast!
* My anxiety has started to calm down :)
* My Halloween outfit is nearly done

Love Kara <3

Saturday 4 October 2014

October! Halloween To Do List!


Happy October!

This week has been a little bit of a struggle. 
It's annoying as this is my favorite time of the year and i would have liked to have started it in a positive mood! 

After upping my dose of anxiety tablets, i feel like i am off to a better start again. 
So, now i need to find good things to focus on instead of dwelling on the things that are getting me down! Force myself out of the house! Get to livin' again! Otherwise, i will never leave my room. Don't get me wrong, i LOVE my room...even the childish butterfly wallpaper from the previous homeowners, but there is only so much Netflix and staring at the walls a person can do! 

As October is the month of HALLOWEEN, my favoritest holiday EVER...Christmas is a very close second. I love presents. So. Much. 
Lets make a Halloween to do list!? 
Things to do when we have days off and find ourselves pondering what we can do with our day. 
Arts and Crafts!? Baking!? Decorating?! Socialize!? 

Halloween To Do List.

  • Carve Pumpkins 
  • Decorate the house for Halloween 
  • Bake an apple pie (My Dad will be thrilled with this one!) 
  • Dress up! Buy an outfit or make one! 
  • Do Halloween nails! 

  • Go to a Halloween party. 
  • Have a Halloween Movie Night!
  • Make your own Halloween decorations...Pinterest has a trillion ideas!?
  • Bake Halloween goodies...Cupcakes, cookies, etc 
  • Make caramel apples. 
  • Make a Halloween themed drink. 
  • Go for a walk around Devils Punch Bowl with some pals!
  • Make scented candles (Autumn-y smells...i will go and look at Yankee Candles for inspiration!) 

I am already excited about all these things! Positive thinking! I like it. 
I am going to do a whole bunch of Halloween themed blogs this months...keeps me happy and thinking! 
What ideas do you have?

A few of my friends have started talking to me about the anxiety they suffer from recently. I love that they are approaching me and telling me what they do as coping methods and what their positives are <3 I feel very privileged indeed!

<3 1 of my pals uses music to calm them down when they feel their anxiety coming on. It distracts them and keeps their mind busy on something else. 
<3 Another one of my friends sent me a text about a positive in their day. This made me feel positive too! 

Positives in my week; 
* I got a job interview
* I got a good Mystery Shopper score at work and my manager got me some chocolate and a card.
* Went to Bills for breakfast with one of my lovely friends 

Have a good weekend! 
Love Kara 