Monday, 4 January 2016

New Year Resolutions!

It's fast did 2015 go! Did we have a Summer? Did Halloween happen? Did i have a birthday? I'm unsure...everything happened so fast!

I always give myself such a hard time for not making something of myself every year...I didn't learn Finnish so i can chat to my Finnish fella and family...i didn't lose 100 stone in weight and become a supermodel...i didn't move out on my own and leave my poor Dad to himself. I know he would miss me TERRIBLY...whilst watching whatever he wants on the old television (I constantly want to watch Four in The Bed and do a running commentary to case he missed anything) and i'm sure he couldn't live without my emotional rollercoaster ride on a day to day basis. I'm fun.
 I get annoyed at myself for not fixing whatever is going on in that old noggin' of mine...Like it's an easy fix...stopping anxiety and depression...sure. 

SO THIS YEAR...i am going to be easy on myself. Kind of. Easy-ish things to stick by...

1. Be kind to myself and others. 
I am mean to myself quite often. I honestly don't think very much of myself at all. I find it difficult to look in the mirror and be like...'You look nice today...' or think 'good job, worked hard!' Instead i bully myself into thinking how awful i look, or how much better someone else did. 
I'm a green eyed monster, I bitch and is that positive? Everyone does it, we do. People say its healthy...i don't think so. I feel shit afterwards and worry...then i panic...then all hell breaks loose and that's it. Valium me up and call it a night. 
So be kind. Kind to you. Kind to me. 

2. Walk more
Walk more...don't worry about joining a gym...just walk and be chill. Walk and chill. That is all. Just do it. 

3. Help others.
I watch adverts for charities about children, elderly, sick people and poor hurts my heart. So this year i would like to help as much as i can...we signed up for the 'Spare a Chair Sunday' already...keen beans, i hear you say! Whats it about...let me tell you! Its a charity where an elderly person comes to your house and has a roast dinner with you, someone who doesn't get to have the company that we sometimes take for granted. I obviously won't be cooking...don't want to kill them. My Dad loves a good roast dinner cookin'! 

4. Stop worrying so much.
I'm a worrier...either i talk about my worries...or keep them deep inside the worry pit. Classic.
 I worry about small things like cleaning my room and getting enough sleep and of course i worry about other...less small the end of the world, gravity failing us and we fly up to space...yep...I worry about my family and friends, my furbabies, death, illness, just everything!
How do you stop that? I'm not sure. I want to find ways of  relaxing my worried brain and enjoy myself with what ever is going on.

5. Take care of myself
Last one, something i should really be doing anyways. Take care of myself properly! Drink more water...i went DAYS not drinking water. I drank most things but water over the Christmas holidays. Water is good for you. Drink it. And i will get id'ed when buying booze. All my pals get id'ed. Whats the cashiers problem?! I look youthful. Kind of...BUT i would look more youthful if i moisturized...and drank water...and relaxed...and walked more...Take my inhalers EVERYDAY not just when i feel i need to. Asthma is crazy. Take care of it. Just take care of myself...if i lose weight cool. No pressure me...but it would be cool...but no all. None. Stop eating though.

2015 wasn't bad, it wasn't the worst, but it wasn't the best. I lost friends i thought were kind souls, but i made new friends that mean the world to me. I made lots of brilliant memories, and sad ones. Things changed that were scary at first, but we got used to them and now i couldn't be happier about them.
Anxiety is still here, it always will be, but i am going to find ways of controlling it better. I won't let it take me down like it has so many times before. I want to make it a positive, not a negative,
I have so much to be thankful for, so why let that dark cloud take over me.

It's not a new me, its just a better one in the making...but no pressure...but don't fail.

Love Kara <3 

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