Sunday, 21 September 2014

Trigger Happy

Hello there!

Shall we get to business? Get down to the nitty gritty? Talk about the crazy anxiety triggers I know I have!?

Since my last post, a few of my friends have spoken to me about the anxiety they have and what triggers it for them. A few of us think we are the only ones that have that certain trigger that sets us off, but 9 times out of 10 its actually quite common! So I thought I would share mine, then we can compare notes...maybe over some tea? A cake? Cool.

1. Too much noise!
At first I thought this was a strange one as going to The Agincourt (our local rock club) never bothers me, maybe because I know its going to be noisy? I don't know? That doesn't set me off, but if I go to work or out shopping and it suddenly gets really noisy...I feel myself panic. My heart feels like its going to jump out of my chest. I have to either leave for a bit to calm down or I will become a crazed mental gal. I usually go with the first choice.

2. Bodily functions.
I am NOT good with body stuff...not one bit. I can't watch real life medical shows because it will set me off.
You know when you have gas...which is a rare occasion as I am a girl...and we hardly ever fart, if ever...anyways...gas, it sometimes gives you tummy pains, back pains, chest pains...just general harmless pains...well for means death. I get a pain in my body that at the time I can't explain, my chest gets tight and I think I am about to drop dead. Nothing you can say will convince me otherwise. Don't even get me started with headaches?! Buh.

3. Over analyzing.
If its quiet and I have nothing to do, my brain will all of a sudden go into over drive and just over analysis EVERYTHING! Friends, work, texts I have sent, my weight, food, life, things I have done in the past, just everything and anything. I will make myself cry, anxiety fueled crying...the type of cry that people are scared of...its intense, messy and loud.

4. Too much caffeine.
I looooove coffee...guilty as charged! I can easily drink up to a 1000 cups a day. That's an exaggeration, but you get it. I'm that arsehole who will order a cup of coffee at a busy pub in the evening...they hate it, I can't help but love it. It gets me going, but annoyingly it gets my heart going too which then gets my anxiety going...I get the shakes, my heart races, and then I become an emotional mess. Self inflicted anxiety attack. Classic.

5. Negativity.
If there is too much bitching, too much arguing, just negativity flying all over the joint...I lose sleep...then I lose my mind...I understand we all need a good old bitch sometimes, I get it! But if it is constant then I will lose it. I worry, cry, moan to my sister and my anxiety takes over even more then usual. Life, am I right!

6. Traveling.
I am in a long distance relationship with my wonderful fella. Jesse lives in Texas and I live in Good old England. We have been together now for 6 and a half years...he is my world...traveling on the other hand is NOT my world. Planes, trains and automobiles scare me. the! The night before flying, I will throw up and sit awake all night. In the morning, I will take enough Valium to knock a herd if elephants out. Double decker buses...only daredevils sit on the top deck. No thank you. Trains...Buh...but if I want a normal life... I have to man up and jump on board. Any noises that I feel are not normal, my heart goes...and I find my phone to call my loved ones. Brilliant.

I'm not going to lie to you...that's only the tip of the iceberg. I have so many triggers, its embarrassing! But we can get into more of them another time! These are my main ones, the ones I deal with quite often. The bad boys of the trigger world. Now you share! What are your triggers? Go!

So, after every post I want to share a positive thing I have experienced that day or week! So here are my positives today;
* Spent quality time with my mum and sister ❤

Love Kara 

1 comment:

  1. I am right there with you on the noise! Sometimes it's a bit overwhelming with my gaggle of babies. Everything's coating along fine and then EVERYONE starts screaming! All of a sudden, the TV is blasting, baby toys are yelling, dogs are barking, at least one kid is crying, another is giving me the old "mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom!" thing and I know I'm going to lose my shit any second. Anxiety through the roof! Now I'm anxious just from writing about it. Time for coffee ;)
